Junior Eurovision Song Contest Info Forum
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Сообщение  Alexander 18.12.10 17:35

Юлия Гурская - очень талантливая молодая певица из Украина. Несмотря на то, что ей всего 15 - она уже добилась серьезных музыкальных успехов. Теперь у нее появилась еще одна цель - представить свою страну на детском конкурсе песни «Евровидение»!

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Юлия Гурская - юная исполнительница из города Винницы - сердца Подольского края Украины. Она родилась 28-ого апреля 1995 года.

В 6 лет Юля родители заметили певческий талант своей дочери. Когда девочке исполнилось 7, мама привела ее в музыкальную школу.

С 9-ти лет Юля поет в джаз-студии при региональном культурно-образовательном центре города Винница. Выступая сольно под чутким руководством своей преподавательницы Марины Мальцевой, Юлия одержала немало побед на национальных и международных конкурсах поп-музыки.

Юлия учится в гуманитарном классе винницкого технологического лицея. Она - победительница олимпиад по английскому языку, принимает активное участие в организации школьных театральных постановок и литературных конкурсов.

У Юли нет любимых исполнителей, но зато у нее есть любимые песни в разных музыкальных стилей и направлений. В большом репертуаре Юлии номера из мюзиклов, кавер-версии мировых хитов, а также песни на русском, украинском, английском и немецком языках.

Юля увлекается музыкой, чтением, плаванием и оригами. Она любит животных, и ей очень нравится заботиться о своих домашних питомцах - пуделе Марте и крысе Алевтине!

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Yuliya Gurska (alternative spellings Julia / Yulya / Yulia Gurskaya / Hurska) is 15-year-old (born 28/04/1995) student of linguistic class of Vinnytsia technical lyceum. She is singing from the age of 6 and for a long time getting to the "Junior Eurovision Song Contest" was her dream. To realize this dream, ever since the age of seven girl persistently studied in studio of pop and jazz vocal of Vinnitsa Regional House of teachers under the guidance of renowned teacher and producer Marina Maltseva. Since age of eight, she has been achieving victories in various vocal competitions among which are "Crystal lark", "Musical umbrella", "Young Halitchina", "Bravo, children" and others. Residents of the city had the opportunity to get acquainted with her talent at the opening of the Europe Day in Vinnytsia, when Julia, along with the vocal studio "Experiment" performed the song "We are the world".

- Yuliya is different from other performers with her unique timbre of the vocal, wide range, and very good lower notes, which children usually can not take, - says head of studio pop and jazz vocal "Experiment" Marina Maltseva. Another plus of Yuliya is a very good song.

The song in the style of dance-rock "Miy litak" with which Yuliya will represent her country in the prestigeous international competition, has been specially created for Junior Eurovision by composers Sergei and Andrei Marusich from Vinnytsa. Lyrics and vocal arrangements have been prepared by Yuliya herself.

- Some lyrics of the song had to be changed. As originally it was about adult girl. There were too many lines about the love - says the singer. But we've decided to keep the the theme of the airplane as we liked it a lot. We wrote about a girl who runs her own destiny. For the contest song also had to be cut a bit, so we had to get rid of the sound of ascending airplane at the beginning of the song.

For the finals Yuliya has decided to perform in jeans and T-shirt.
- There currently is a tendency of overdoing with clothing for children. Mostly these are ball gowns or meaningless spacesuits. Or even worse - the sexy style - says the teacher and music producer Marina Maltseva. - Last year Yuliya went to the auditions for "New Wave". Muscovites noted: children must be children! On the stage, glamour is not necessary.

Yuliya is the winner of city Olympiads in English language. She is active participant in productions of "Literary room" in her lyceum.

She has no certain idol in musics, and her favorite songs are in a variety of styles and directions of music. Her repertoire includes songs taken from musicals, cover-versions of world hits and songs written specially for here in Russian, Ukrainian, English and German.

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Yuliya's hobbies include music, reading, swimming, origami. She likes animals, and takes great pleasure to take care of her own pets – Martha, the poodle, and Alevtina, the rat.

On the Eurovision stage Yuliya will be joined by members of show-ballet "Alisa" from city of Kerch: Veronika Trofimova, Galina Neporozhnyaya, Yana Bugayova, Masha Ischenko and Leila Kurshutova.


Сообщения : 98
Дата регистрации : 2010-11-29
Возраст : 31

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