Junior Eurovision Song Contest Info Forum
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Biography    Empty Biography

Сообщение  Admin 03.12.10 22:27

Rafaella Kosta is 15 years old and she is studying at the Linopetra's lyceum in Limassol, Cyprus. She has only been singing for two years and it is something she really enjoys. Currently, she has being doing private voice lessons at the Music School Kyriakides.

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Rafaella is in her first year of High School. She is also attending English language classes and she likes to play tennis, use her computer and spending time with her friends. She has being involved in many singing contests and won many prizes. She won first prize at the High Schools national music contest singing category. Last year she won third place at the third national Evidence Music singing contest.

Rafaella would like to pursue music in the future and also become a lawyer.

She will be representing Cyprus with the song "Thalassa Ilios Aeras Fotia" (Sea Sun Air Fire). She wrote the lyrics to the song and the music was written by her friend Martha Paradisioti.

It was Rafaella’s idea to enter a song for Cyprus in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest as it was always a dream of hers to take part. Rafaella and her friend Martha met through their school where Rafaella sings in the choir and Martha plays the piano in the orchestra. Together they came up with this mellow rock song in just two days.

Martha Paradisioti is fourteen years old and also lives in the same city. She has been playing the piano for eight years and plays keyboards in the song. In her spare time, Martha enjoys playing her computer and watching television.

Rafaella and Martha have taken part in various musical competitions with their school. They gained the first place in a regional contest for their traditional Greek-Cypriot ‘rempetiko’ song.

Rafaella’s inspiration for the lyrics came from stories about the past which she heard from her parents and grand-parents. The song looks at how the world has changed and compares older times and the present day. The song's arrangement was done by Christos Kyriakides.

On the stage of national final Rafaella and Martha were joined by Panayiotis Stylianides (drums), Kostantinos Spirou (guitar), and dancers Christiana Hadjipiera and Elena Patsali. For international final Rafaella, Martha and Panayiotis will be joined by Demetris Spyrou, Konstantinos' brother on guitar, and line-up will omit the dancers.

Kyriakos Pastides will be the CyBC commentator as usual. He has also produced a documentary about last year's Eurovision which is due to be screened in Cyprus soon. JESC 2007 entrant Yiorgos Ioanides will be spokesperson of Cyprus.


Сообщения : 39
Дата регистрации : 2010-11-29
Возраст : 104


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